Coconut Sticky Rice in Banana Leaves

Coconut Sticky Rice in Banana Leaves

Coconut Sticky Rice in Banana Leaves

I always liked the videos where I see others eating out of leaves and I was always curious how these leaves tasted like. So when I came across the banana leaves in the supermarket I was beyond thrilled, I finally am able to try the Coconut Sticky Rice in a Banana Leaf- and it didn't disappoint, it was absolutely delicious. You too try the recipe below and share with me your opinion.

  • 1 can of coconut cream
  • 1/4 cup of white sugar
  • 2 knobs of ginger
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 cup of uncooked rice
  • banana leaves
  • caramel 
  • water 


-In a pot, add the coconut cream, white sugar, ginger and salt.

-Stir the coconut sauce on low-medium heat, till the sugar is dissolved.

-Add the uncooked rice, give it a quick stir then leave it to cook- you may need extra water for cooking the rice.

-Gently brush the banana leaves against the fire. Then prepare and cut them the way you like. (personally, I find it easy to just cut each leave to four pieces)

-Place the cooked rice on the leaf and start rolling. Once done, create a knot using a banana leave string around it.

-Next, steam the banana leaves rolls for 20+ minutes.

-Wait for your rolls to cool down before opening them.

-Now you’re done, when ready to serve drizzle caramel on top and enjoy.

Coconut Sticky Rice in Banana Leaves
