Brie, Arugula & Basterma (aka Egyptian Pastrami) Baguette

Brie, Arugula & Basterma (aka Egyptian Pastrami) Baguette

Brie, Arugula & Basterma (aka Egyptian Pastrami) Baguette

Brie, Jam, Arugula & Pastrami Baguette is a classic but what if we used Basterma which is the Egyptian Pastrami instead. This baguette is not your typical French Style brie baguette, more of a cuisine fusion with a hint of home <3. Bon Appetit!

  • baguette
  • butter 
  • fig jam
  • arugula
  • basterma (aka the Egyptian pastrami)


-Halve your baguette. Spread then on one half butter and the other fig jam.

-Add the brie cheese slices to the jam spread half.

-Top the brie with fresh basterma slices, and add the arugula to the buttered half.

-Finally, you’re ready to enjoy!

Brie, Arugula & Basterma (aka Egyptian Pastrami) Baguette
