Summer Salad

Summer Salad

Summer Salad

It is not summer yet, but we are so close, and you'll even get more closer with this refreshing salad. The mix of the vegetables, the simple ingredients and the citrusy taste. I'll always choose simple salads with a hint of salt or oil, over the cooked-saucy ones. It's controversial- but give it a try and then you can tell us what would you add or remove from the summer salad bowl.

  • Summer Salad
    sweet corn
  • cherry tomatoes 
  • cucumber 
  • cilantro
  • avocado
  • lemon 
  • salt
  • olive oil
  • chips


Summer Salad
-Prep your veggies: halve the cherry tomatoes, dice the cucumber, chop the cilantro and cut the avocado in to small bites.

-In a bowl, add the corn and the prepped veggies.

-Squeeze a lemon on your veggies and add a generous amount of salt.

-Drizzle olive oil on top.

-Serve the salad with chips on the side.


Summer Salad
